Leadership Highlight
Chief Executive Officer
In my evenings, when the sport coat has been exchanged for the casual clothes, it is difficult to get to a restaurant or flip through the television without appreciating the trend of the ‘makers movement’. Whether it is the latest burger with kimchi, peanut butter and anchovies at the local gastropub food truck or a raspberry infused hop monster at the local brewery, it is clear that people have an appreciation and passion for creation and making something new.
As you hear more stories of people leaving corporate America to follow a foodie dream or go back to hobby farming or making art and traveling to various art shows, it is clear that the there is a vein to be tapped by the construction industry of people longing to work with their hands, to be a part of a team, to be recognized for their craft.
The financial case to be made for a career in the trades is an easy one, but it is up to us as leaders of our companies and industry to build a culture that focuses on a “Team Mindset” and tells the stories, recognizes the craftsmanship, and consistently extols the challenges overcome by the amazing people that have their boots on the ground and make things happen daily.
At LS Black Constructors, we are blessed to employ a talented group of field staff, committed to their craft and truly “Owning It”. This has allowed us to “Defy Difficulties” on the most challenging projects. Those of us who have been here for a long time have a real understanding of the people, their many talents and the dedication they hold for their craft. Though we know these stories, we have failed at helping tell them. As we continue to hire new talents, in a variety of roles, who have limited exposure to the work we are putting in place on a daily basis, LS Black’s marketing team has been tasked with helping to tell these stories. I think this is a critical task, not only for our firm, but for other firms to follow in our footsteps and do as well. There’s a lot of amazing work being done out there, and people want to hear about it!
And for the LS Black team, when our marketing team reaches out, please show them your “Team Mindset”, passion and dedication. Spend some time getting to know one another and “Deliver the News” on an ongoing basis. To better the state of the industry and available workforce, we all need to do our part.
Thanks, and stay safe out there!